SMP’s Response to COVID-19
COVID-19 (coronavirus) continues to have a significant and serious impact on everyone’s lives this year. We have been closely monitoring the progress of the pandemic and as an essential healthcare service have made a considered decision to remain open during the latest round of restrictions announced on the 7th of July.
We know there is still significant work to be done to overcome coronavirus, as such we will remain open with a few extra conditions.
For your safety and ours:
1. Our team has completed training concerning coronavirus and infection management from the Department of Health.
2. We have implemented a system which requires our team to report if they are exhibiting coronavirus like symptoms before attending work.
3. We will be thoroughly screening all patients before attending the clinic to confirm they are not exhibiting coronavirus like symptoms before attending appointments.
4. Our exercise rehab classes have been reduced in size from four, to three people per class, with additional changes being made in accordance with current Government guidelines.
5. Hand sanitiser will be provided to our patients on arrival.
6. We are currently using a single-use linen policy for towels and pillows from treatment tables.
7. Staff are cleaning and sanitising between every client.
8. We have social distancing markers placed on the floor in reception to ensure clients remain 1.5m away from each other and our team at all times.
9. We have 2 waiting spaces and they will be clearly marked with seating arrangements to ensure we have 4sqm per person.
10. We ask that you arrive on time for your appointment. This isn’t new but it is more important than ever. This is to make sure there is minimal contact between clients and allows our staff cleaning time between appointments.
11. We prefer and recommend card payments due to the safety risk associated with passing physical money between people.
12. For those who prefer not to come to the clinic for their appointments, we will continue to offer Telehealth consultations via Zoom.
Please remember that if you have travelled or returned from overseas in the past 14 days, been in contact with anyone who has COVID-19 or are experiencing flu like symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath or breathing difficulties) please inform us, remain at home and keep us all safe.
For more information about our online services, please visit:
If you have any other questions, feel free to contact 03 9645 7955 or email us at
For further information about Covid-19, we recommend you visit:
The Commonwealth Department of Health‘s web site at
The Victorian Department of Health‘s website at
Additionally, the Australian Institute of Sport‘s website provides useful information about coronavirus in the context of sport which you can view by visiting
If you require non-urgent medical assistance concerning Covid-19, please phone your general practice. If you require urgent medical assistance concerning Covid-19 please make your way to a hospital emergency department or telephone 000.